The Glen Echoes enjoy singing, and are happy to provide links to some of our favorite websites (most involving singing). We hope you enjoy them as much as we do!

The Glen Echoes have been a feature quartet in several performances of the Montgomery County, Maryland Chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society. Visit their webpages featuring the Hometowne USA Chorus.
Past Glen Echoes member Michael Gilmore is now singing with a new quartet named Handsome Reward. Check out their facebook page by clicking on their name to the left.
Richard and Al also sing with the Harmony Express Chorus of Germantown Maryland. The chorus is always looking for men who enjoy singing. Take a look at their website and please consider coming out to visit and sing along with Richard and Al.
Men throughout the Unites States who love quartet singing can join the Barbershop Harmony Society. Visit their webpages and select "chapter finder" to locate a chapter near you.