The makeup of The Glen Echoes quartet has changed over the years as members moved or retired. We still sing with our past members whenever we can. Below are the biography sections for our past members.

Darrel Dietlein - Bass
Darrel sang with the quartet from its start until 2005 when he moved to New Hampshire. Darrel was born in Lake Charles, LA, but grew up in New Hampshire. Darrel's wife, their seven children and four grandchildren provide him with moral support. Darrel has always had a great fondness for vocal harmonizing and has been in a variety of instrumental and vocal ensembles, as well as serving as the choir director at his church. Darrel joined The Society in 1997 and was performing in quartets publically within two months. He enjoyed portraying Olin Britt in the Damascus Theatre Company's production of "The Music Man" in the fall of 2003. Professionally, he is an electronics engineering technician and a retired Senior Master Sergeant of the Air National Guard.

Charlie Sheridan - Bass
Charlie sang with the quartet from 2005 until 2010; retiring in December 2010. He has graciously agreed to remain available as a substitute
bass any time our new bass is unavailable. We have enjoyed having Charlie in the group and hope to continue singing with him from time to
time for many years to come. In honor of his contribution to the sucess of the quartet we have named him our BASS EMERITUS!
Charlie comes from the Boston area, where he started his singing as a soprano in a boys' choir. His voice has dropped a bit since then.
He has sung in several choirs and choral groups, in some previous quartets, and in many stage productions of "Broadway" musicals and Gilbert
& Sullivan operas. (His favorite roles have been Pooh Bah and Dick Deadeye.) He moved to the Washington area with his wife, son, and daughter
in 1969. He is retired from more than 30 years as a federal government lawyer, the last 16 years of which he spent as an administrative judge
on a Board of Contract Appeals. Those years in the middle of other people's heated disputes led to his current resolve to seek harmony in all
Charlie passed away in early September, 2017, the quartet had the joy of singing to him a few days before he passed. We will miss our periodic visits wiith Charlie and his lovely wife Lora.

Michael Gilmore - Bass
Michael joined the quartet starting in mid 2010 and spent several months learning repertiore while Charlie continued to perform.
When Charlie retired in December 2010, Michael took over and sang with us until December 2012 when he left to pursue one of his singing
objectives, being in a competition quartet named "Handsome Reward". We wish michael the best in his new venture.
Michael is quite the actor, having been in productions of one kind or another since he was knee high to a grasshopper.
He has appeared on the stage at 10 local community theaters around the DC area and also been in several musicals - including
, wonder of wonders, The Music Man. During the day he works in the learning and development field for the US Department of
Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration.